Jane Austen

Elenco dei personaggi

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Personaggi di

I romanzi di Jane Austen furono pubblicati, come si usava all'epoca, in più volumi, numerando i capitoli per ciascun volume, e le edizioni critiche (Chapman e Cambridge) seguono questo criterio. Molte edizioni moderne, anche tra quelle italiane, hanno invece adottato una numerazione unica, senza tener conto della divisione in volumi. Prima delle citazioni ho perciò indicato sia la prima che la seconda numerazione.
In Persuasion, che fu pubblicato insieme a Northanger Abbey in quattro volumi complessivi, la suddivisione è in due volumi: I vol.: 12 capitoli; II vol.: 12 capitoli. La numerazione continua va da 1 a 24.

----, ex istitutrice di Anne Elliot, ora a Bath (II-5/17: She had called on her former governess).

----, "due nuove bellezze" citate da Mrs. Smith riguardo al concerto a Bath (II-9/21: and the two new beauties, with the tall Irish officer).

Lady Alicia ----, conoscente di Lady Russell a Bath (II-7/19: I was looking after some window-curtains, which Lady Alicia and Mrs. Frankland were telling me of last night).

Miss Atkinson, conoscente dei Wallis a Bath (II-7/19: Miss Atkinson, who dined with him once at the Wallises).

Ammiraglio Baldwin, Sir Walter Elliot lo incontra per caso a Londra (I-3/3: a certain Admiral Baldwin, the most deplorable-looking personage you can imagine).

Capitano James Benwick, collega e amico del capitano Harville e del capitano Wentworth (I-11/11: and a Captain Benwick, who was staying with them);
fidanzato con Fanny Harville, morta prima delle nozze (I-11/11: He had been engaged to Captain Harville's sister, and was now mourning her loss);
sposa Louisa Musgrove.

L'ammiraglio Brand e il fratello, conoscenti dell'ammiraglio Croft (II-6/18: If you look across the street, you will see Admiral Brand coming down and his brother).

Capitano Bridgen, amico dell'ammiraglio Croft (II-6/18: But here comes a friend, Captain Brigden).

Miss Carteret, figlia della viscontessa Dalrymple (II-4/16: The Bath paper one morning announced the arrival of the Dowager Viscountess Dalrymple, and her daughter, the Honourable Miss Carteret [...] the Dalrymples (in Anne's opinion, most unfortunately) were cousins of the Elliots).

Mrs. Penelope [Shepherd] Clay, figlia dell'amministratore di Sir Walter Elliot; vedova; accompagna gli Elliot a Bath (I-2/2: It was with the daughter of Mr. Shepherd, who had returned, after an unprosperous marriage, to her father's house, with the additional burthen of two children);
sposa William Walter Elliot? (II-12/24: he may not be wheedled and caressed at last into making her the wife of Sir William).

Ammiraglio Croft, contrammiraglio della marina; prende in affitto Kellynch Hall (II-3/3: the very first application for the house was from an Admiral Croft).

Sophia [Wentworth] Croft, moglie dell'ammiraglio Croft e sorella del capitano e del reverendo Wentworth (II-3/3: I found she was not quite unconnected in this country, any more than her husband; that is to say, she is sister to a gentleman who did live amongst us once).

Viscontessa Dalrymple [Carteret], cugina irlandese degli Elliot ((II-4/16: The Bath paper one morning announced the arrival of the Dowager Viscountess Dalrymple, and her daughter, the Honourable Miss Carteret [...] the Dalrymples (in Anne's opinion, most unfortunately) were cousins of the Elliots).

Sir Archibald Drew e il nipote, conoscenti dell'ammiraglio Croft (II-6/18: There comes old Sir Archibald Drew and his grandson).

Le piccole Durand, citate da Mrs. Smith riguardo al concerto a Bath (II-9/21: The little Durands were there, I conclude).

Sir Walter Elliot, di Kellynch Hall, Somersetshire; vedovo;
54 anni (I-1/1: Walter Elliot, born March 1, 1760).

Elizabeth [Stevenson] Elliot, moglie defunta di Sir Walter Elliot (I-1/1: Elizabeth, daughter of James Stevenson, Esq. of South Park, in the county of Gloucester, by which lady (who died 1800)).

Anne Elliot, figlia di Sir Walter Elliot; eroina;
27 anni (I-1/1: Anne, born August 9, 1787);
10000 sterline di dote (II-12/24: the share of ten thousand pounds which must be hers hereafter);
sposa il capitano Frederick Wentworth.

Elizabeth Elliot, figlia primogenita di Sir Walter Elliot;
29 anni (I-1/1: Elizabeth, born June 1, 1785 [...] It sometimes happens, that a woman is handsomer at twenty-nine than she was ten years before [...] It was so with Elizabeth);
10000 sterline di dote (II-12/24: the share of ten thousand pounds which must be hers hereafter).

Mary [Elliot] Musgrove, vedi: Musgrove.

William Walter Elliot, nipote ed erede designato di Sir Walter Elliot; vedovo;
34 anni (II-9/21: I have lived three and twenty years in the world [lettera del luglio 1803]);
sposa Mrs. Penelope Clay? (II-12/24: he may not be wheedled and caressed at last into making her the wife of Sir William).

Mrs. ---- Elliot, moglie defunta di William Walter Elliot (I-1/1: though she was at this present time, (the summer of 1814,) wearing black ribbons for his wife).

Mrs. Frankland, conoscente di Lady Russell a Bath (II-7/19: I was looking after some window-curtains, which Lady Alicia and Mrs. Frankland were telling me of last night).

Lady Mary Grierson e le figlie, di passaggio a Lisbona (I-8/8: you would have been asked to give a passage to Lady Mary Grierson and her daughters).

Capitano Harville, amico del capitano Wentworth (I-8/8: A friend of mine, and I, had such a lovely cruise together off the Western Islands. - Poor Harville).

Mrs. Harville, moglie del capitano Harville (I-11/11: Mrs. Harville, a degree less polished than her husband, seemed however to have the same good feelings).

I tre figli degli Harville (I-8/8: Mrs. Harville, her sister, her cousin, and three children).

Fanny Harville, sorella del capitano Harville; fidanzata del capitano Benwick, morta prima delle nozze nel giugno 1814 (I-12/12: "Only last summer, I understand." "Ay, true enough," (with a deep sigh) "only June.").

Mr. Hayter, possidente di Winthrop, Somersetshire; marito della sorella di Mrs. Musgrove (I-9/9: Mr. Hayter had some property of his own, but it was insignificant compared with Mr. Musgrove's).

Mrs. Hayter, moglie di Mr. Hayter e sorella di Mrs. Musgrove (I-9/9: Mrs. Musgrove and Mrs. Hayter were sisters. They had each had money, but their marriages had made a material difference in their degree of consequence).

Reverendo Charles Hayter, primogenito degli Hayter (I-9/9: Charles Hayter was the eldest of all the cousins, and a very amiable, pleasing young man);
sposa Henrietta Musgrove.

Le figlie degli Hayter, (I-8/8: The Miss Hayters, the females of the family of cousins already mentioned).

Le Ibboton, citate da Mrs. Smith riguardo al concerto a Bath (II-9/21: The Ibbotsons - were they there?).

Jemima, bambinaia dei figli di Mary e Charles Musgrove (I-6/6: If Jemima were not the trustiest, steadiest creature in the world).

Mackenzie, giardiniere a Kellynch Hall (I-5/5: I have been several times in the garden with Mackenzie).

Lady Mary Maclean, citata da Mrs. Smith riguardo al concerto a Bath (II-9/21: Old Lady Mary Maclean? I need not ask after her. She never misses).

Mary, domestica nella casa abitata da Mrs. Smith (II-9/21: if you will have the goodness to ring for Mary).

Sir Basil Morley, amico di Londra di Sir Walter Elliot (I-3/3: said I to a friend of mine who was standing near, (Sir Basil Morley.)).

Charles Musgrove, possidente di Uppercross, Somersetshire (I-1/1: married, Dec. 16, 1810, Charles, son and heir of Charles Musgrove, Esq. of Uppercross, in the county of Somerset).

Mrs. Musgrove, moglie di Charles Musgrove (I-5/5: Mr. and Mrs. Musgrove were a very good sort of people; friendly and hospitable, not much educated, and not at all elegant).

Charles Musgrove jr., figlio ed erede di Charles Musgrove; marito di Mary [Elliot] Musgrove (I-1/1: married, Dec. 16, 1810, Charles, son and heir of Charles Musgrove, Esq. of Uppercross, in the county of Somerset).

Mary [Elliot] Musgrove, figlia di Sir Walter Elliot e moglie di Charles Musgrove jr.;
23 anni (I-1/1: born November 20, 1791);
10000 sterline di dote (II-12/24: the share of ten thousand pounds which must be hers hereafter).

Charles Musgrove, primogenito di Charles Musgrove jr. (I-5/5: Little Charles does not mind a word I say, and Walter is growing quite as bad).

Walter Musgrove, secondogenito di Charles Musgrove jr. (I-5/5: Little Charles does not mind a word I say, and Walter is growing quite as bad).

Harry Musgrove, ultimo figlio di Charles Musgrove (II-1/13: having brought up all the children, and seen the very last, the lingering and long-petted master Harry, sent to school after his brothers).

Henrietta Musgrove, figlia maggiore di Charles Musgrove;
20 anni (I-5/5: Henrietta and Louisa, young ladies of nineteen and twenty [vedi la nota 2 al cap. 5]);
sposa il cugino, reverendo Charles Hayter.

Louisa Musgrove, figlia di Charles Musgrove;
19 anni (I-5/5: Henrietta and Louisa, young ladies of nineteen and twenty [vedi la nota 2 al cap. 5]);
sposa il capitano Benwick.

Richard Musgrove, figlio di Charles Musgrove; morto nel 1812 (I-6/6: when the intelligence of his death abroad had worked its way to Uppercross, two years before).

I Poole, vicini dei Musgrove (I-5/5: But you have never asked me one word about our dinner at the Pooles yesterday).

Mr. Robinson, farmacista di Uppercross (I-7/7: and though Mr. Robinson felt and felt, and rubbed, and looked grave).

L'infermiera Rooke, infermiera di Mrs. Smith e Mrs. Wallis a Bath (II-5/17: nurse Rooke thoroughly understands when to speak).

Lady Russell, vedova di Sir Henry Russell, di Kellynch Lodge (I-1/1: That Lady Russell, of steady age and character, and extremely well provided for, should have no thought of a second marriage II-5/17: Sir Henry Russell's widow, indeed).

Lord St. Ives, Sir Walter Elliot lo incontra per caso a Londra (I-3/3: Lord St. Ives, whose father we all know to have been a country curate).

Sarah, bambinaia dei Musgrove (II-1/13: Vague wishes of getting Sarah thither, had occurred before to Mrs. Musgrove and Henrietta).

John Shepherd, amministratore di Sir Walter Elliot e padre di Mrs. Clay (I-1/1: the unwelcome hints of Mr. Shepherd, his agent).

Rev. Dr. Shirley, rettore della parrocchia di Uppercross (I-9/9: Dr. Shirley, the rector, who for more than forty years had been zealously discharging all the duties of his office).

Mrs. Shirley, moglie del rev. dr. Shirley (I-12/12: Do not you agree with me, that it is the best thing he could do, both for himself and Mrs. Shirley?).

Charles Smith, amico di Londra di William Walter Elliot e defunto marito di Mrs. [Hamilton] Smith (II-9/21: He was the intimate friend of my dear husband).

Mrs. [Hamilton] Smith, ex compagna di scuola di Anne Elliot e vedova di Mr. Smith (II-5/17: there being an old school-fellow in Bath, who had the two strong claims on her attention, of past kindness and present suffering. Miss Hamilton, now Mrs. Smith);
30 anni (II-5/17: No, Sir, she is not one-and-thirty).

Mrs. Speed, padrona di casa di Mrs. Smith a Bath (II-9/21: Was not it Mrs. Speed, as usual, or the maid?).

Gli Spicers (o Spicer), conoscenti degli Hayter (I-9/9: Charles has a very fair chance, through the Spicers, of getting something from the Bishop).

Stephen, domestico dei Croft (II-10/22 [capitolo cancellato]: Anne thought his triumph over Stephen rather too long).

Il governatore Trent, notabile a Monkford o dintorni (I-3/3: I remember no gentleman resident at Monkford since the time of old Governor Trent).

Colonnello Wallis, amico di William Walter Elliot (II-3/15: a very intimate friend of his, a Colonel Wallis, a highly respectable man, perfectly the gentleman).

Mrs. Wallis, moglie del colonnello Wallis (II-3/15: and there was a Mrs. Wallis, at present only known to them by description).

Reverendo Edward Wentworth, fratello del capitano Frederick Wentworth (I-9/9: all the charms and perfections of Edward's wife).

Capitano Frederick Wentworth; 25000 sterline di patrimonio (II-12/24: Captain Wentworth, with five-and-twenty thousand pounds);
sposa Anne Elliot.

Sophia Wentworth, vedi Sophia [Wentworth] Croft.

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