Jane Austen

L'abbazia di Northanger
Elenco dei personaggi

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Personaggi di
L'abbazia di Northanger

I romanzi di Jane Austen furono pubblicati, come si usava all'epoca, in più volumi, numerando i capitoli per ciascun volume, e le edizioni critiche (Chapman e Cambridge) seguono questo criterio. Molte edizioni moderne, anche tra quelle italiane, hanno invece adottato una numerazione unica, senza tener conto della divisione in volumi. Prima delle citazioni ho perciò indicato sia la prima che la seconda numerazione.
In Northanger Abbey, che fu pubblicato insieme a Persuasion in quattro volumi complessivi, la suddivisione è in due volumi: I vol.: 15 capitoli; II vol.: 16 capitoli. La numerazione continua va da 1 a 31.

Alice, probabilmente la domestica personale di Eleanor Tilney (II-13/28: Direct to me at Lord Longtown's, and, I must ask it, under cover to Alice).

Mr. Allen, agiato possidente di Fullerton (I-1/1: Mr. Allen, who owned the chief of the property about Fullerton, the village in Wiltshire where the Morlands lived, was ordered to Bath).

Mrs. Allen, moglie di Mr. Allen (I-1/1: and his lady, a good-humoured woman, fond of Miss Morland).

Miss Andrews, amica di Isabella Thorpe (I-6/6: Yes, quite sure; for a particular friend of mine, a Miss Andrews, a sweet girl, one of the sweetest creatures in the world).

Gen. Courteney, vecchio amico del gen. Tilney (II-2/17: and being disappointed in my hope of seeing the Marquis of Longtown and General Courteney here, some of my very old friends).

Charlotte Davis, vista a Bath insieme al cap. Frederick Tilney (II-12/27: The last two days he was always by the side of Charlotte Davis).

Dorothy, "Dorothée", personaggio del romanzo The Mysteries of Udolpho, dove è una vecchia governante (II-5/20: While they snugly repair to their own end of the house, she is formally conducted by Dorothy, the ancient housekeeper).

Emily, l'eroina del romanzo The Mysteries of Udolpho (I-14/14: It always puts me in mind of the country that Emily and her father travelled through).

Emily, amica di Anne Thorpe (I-14/14: I was saying so to Emily and Sophia when you overtook us).

Sam Fletcher, amico di John Thorpe (I-10/10: Here is a friend of mine, Sam Fletcher).

Le Lady Fraser, vicine del gen. Tilney (II-11/26: and the Lady Frasers were not in the country).

Freeman, del Christ Church College, amico di John Thorpe (I-7/7: and poor Freeman wanted cash).

Charles Hodges, presunto spasimante di Isabella Thorpe (II-1/16: Charles Hodges will plague me to death, I dare say).

Mrs. Hughes, conoscente di Mrs. Thorpe (I-8/8: that she would move a little to accommodate Mrs. Hughes).

Cap. Hunt, conoscente di Isabella Thorpe (I-6/6: I told Capt. Hunt at one of our assemblies this winter).

Jackson, dell'Oriel College, amico di John Thorpe (I-7/7: Jackson, of Oriel, bid me sixty at once).

Mr. King (realmente esistito), maestro di cerimonie delle Lower Rooms (I-3/3: I danced with a very agreeable young man, introduced by Mr. King).

Lord Longtown, vecchio amico e vicino del gen. Tilney (II-2/17: and being disappointed in my hope of seeing the Marquis of Longtown and General Courteney here, some of my very old friends).

Matilda, eroina di The Castle of Wolfenbach di Eliza Parsons (II-5/20: into whose hands these memoirs of the wretched Matilda may fall).

I Mitchell, conoscenti di Isabella Thorpe (I-11/11: I know the Mitchells will not be there).

Anne Mitchell, conoscente di Isabella Thorpe (II-12/27: Anne Mitchell had tried to put on a turban like mine).

Rev. Richard Morland, di Fullerton, nel Wiltshire; padre di Catherine.

Mrs. Morland, moglie del rev. Richard Morland.

Catherine Morland, l'eroina;
17 anni (I-1/1: But from fifteen to seventeen she was in training for a heroine);
3000 sterline di dote (II-16/31: and that Catherine would have three thousand pounds);
sposa Henry Tilney.

George Morland, fratello di Catherine (II-14/29: But whether such happiness were the lawful property of George or Harriet could never be exactly understood);
6 anni (II-14/29: the two youngest children, a boy and girl of six and four years old)

Harriet Morland, sorella di Catherine (II-14/29: But whether such happiness were the lawful property of George or Harriet could never be exactly understood);
4 anni (II-14/29: the two youngest children, a boy and girl of six and four years old)

James Morland, fratello maggiore di Catherine e innamorato di Isabella Thorpe.

Richard Morland, fratello di Catherine (II-15/30: I do not know when poor Richard's cravats would be done).

Sarah Morland (Sally), sorella di Catherine;
16 anni (I-2/2: for what young lady of common gentility will reach the age of sixteen without altering her name as far as she can?).

Altri quattro figli dei Morland (I-1/1: A family of ten children will be always called a fine family).

I Parry, conoscenti degli Allen (I-2/2: or if the Parrys had come, as they talked of once).

George Parry (I-2/2: she might have danced with George Parry).

Robinson probabilmente la persona che si stava occupando dei lavori nella canonica destinata a Henry Tilney (II-11/26: Henry, remember that Robinson is spoken to about it).

Gli Skinner, conoscenti degli Allen (I-2/2: I have been saying how glad I should be if the Skinners were here this winter instead of last).

Miss Smith una conoscente di Mrs. Hughes (I-10/10: Was not the young lady he danced with on Monday a Miss Smith?).

Sophia, amica di Anne Thorpe (I-14/14: I was saying so to Emily and Sophia when you overtook us).

Mrs. Thorpe, vedova; compagna di scuola di Mrs. Allen (I-4/4: Mrs. Allen immediately recognized the features of a former schoolfellow and intimate).

Anne Thorpe, (I-14/14: "They set off at eight this morning," said Miss Anne).

Edward Thorpe, (I-4/4: Edward at Merchant-Taylors').

Isabella Thorpe, 21 anni (I-4/4: Miss Thorpe, however, being four years older than Miss Morland).

John Thorpe, (I-4/4: John was at Oxford).

Maria Thorpe, (I-14/14: Belle went with your brother, and John drove Maria).

William Thorpe, (I-4/4: William at sea).

Gen. Tilney, di Northanger Abbey, Gloucestershire.

Mrs. [Drummond] Tilney, moglie defunta del gen. Tilney; compagna di scuola di Mrs. Hughes (I-9/9: Mrs. Tilney was a Miss Drummond, and she and Mrs. Hughes were schoolfellows);
morta nove anni prima (II-8/23: She has been dead these nine years);
20000 sterline di dote (I-9/9: when she married, her father gave her twenty thousand pounds).

Frederick Tilney, capitano dei Dragoni (I-14/14: a detachment of the Twelfth Light Dragoons (the hopes of the nation) called up from Northampton to quell the insurgents, and the gallant Captain Frederick Tilney, in the moment of charging at the head of his troop).

Henry Tilney, titolare della parrocchia di Woodston; 24/25 anni (I-3/3: He seemed to be about four or five and twenty);
sposa Catherine Morland.

Eleanor Tilney (I-8/8: Miss Tilney had a good figure, a pretty face, and a very agreeable countenance);
sposa il visconte di ---- (II-16/31: The influence of the viscount and viscountess in their brother's behalf).

Valancourt, personaggio del romanzo The Mysteries of Udolpho (I-14/14: as far as your friend Emily herself left poor Valancourt).

Visconte di ----, nobile di nomina recente; da tempo corteggiatore riamato di Eleanor Tilney (II-16/31: Her partiality for this gentleman was not of recent origin; and he had been long withheld only by inferiority of situation from addressing her);
sposa Eleanor Tilney (II-16/31: The influence of the viscount and viscountess in their brother's behalf).

William, domestico dei Tilney (II-13/13: What did William mean by it?).

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