Jane Austen

Musica - GM7

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Album GM7 - CHWJA/19/7

(GM 7:01) [Anonimo], Ma chere Amie
(GM 7:02) [Anonimo], I ha'e laid a herring in Salt (JA)
(GM 7:03a) [Anonimo], In airy dreams soft fancy flies (Song)
(GM 7:03b) [Anonimo], In airy dreams soft fancy flies (Duett)
(GM 7:04) John Relfe, Mary's Dream or Sandy's Ghost
(GM 7:05) William Jackson, When first this humble Roof I knew
(GM 7:06) Thomas Augustine Arne, Cymon and Iphigenia
(GM 7:07) Johann Gottlieb Naumann, Vino Vecchio
(GM 7:08) [Anonimo], [Senza titolo] (JA)
(GM 7:09) [Anonimo], How imperfect is expression (JA)
(GM 7:10) [Anonimo], Susan (JA)
(GM 7:11) William Shield, The Plough Boy
(GM 7:12) Rev. William Leeves, Song (JA)
(GM 7:13) Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, Song from The Stranger (JA)
(GM 7:14) Egidio Romualdo Duni, Song in La Fée Urgele (JA)
(GM 7:15a) [Anonimo], Juvenile Amusement - Duo n° 21
(GM 7:15b) [Anonimo], Juvenile Amusement - Duo n° 22
(GM 7:16) Edward Harwood?, The Dying Christian to his Soul
(GM 7:17) Thomas Linley, The Woodman
(GM 7:18) Benoît Pollet, Laisse là sur l'herbette ton chien (JA)
(GM 7:19) John Reading, Domum
(GM 7:20) Charles Dibdin, The Lamplighter
(GM 7:21) Samuel Wesley, Goosey Goosey Gander, where shall I wander (JA)
(GM 7:22) Charles Dibdin, Sound Argument
(GM 7:23) James Hook, Donna Della
(GM 7:24) [Anonimo], [Titolo illeggibile]
(GM 7:25) Jean-Baptiste Krumpholtz, Hither love thy beauties bring (JA)
(GM 7:26) Reginald Spofforth, Ellen, the Richmond Primrose Girl (JA)
(GM 7:27) William Marshall Glenviddick (JA)
(GM 7:28) [Anonimo], The Chosen Few (JA)
(GM 7:29) Richard Leveridge, The Tipling Philosopher
(GM 7:30a) Henry Harington, How sweet in the Woodlands (Duetto)
(GM 7:30b) Henry Harington, How sweet in the Woodlands (Canto e Piano)
(GM 7:31) Henry Harington, The Egyptian Love Song (JA)
(GM 7:32) Edward Jones, The Prayer of the Sicilian Mariners (JA)
(GM 7:33) William Crotch, Air Russe (JA)
(GM 7:34) Stephen Storace, Duet in the Siege of Belgrade (JA)
(GM 7:35) [Anonimo], Romance du Major André
(GM 7:36) Nicolas-Marie Dalayrac, Air de Philippe et Georgette
(GM 7:37) Stephen Storace, A song from the Siege of Belgrade (JA)
(GM 7:38) John Watlen, God save the King / With New Variations
(GM 7:39) Stephen Storace, Song in the Siege of Belgrade (JA)
(GM 7:40) Antoine-Laurent Baudron, Since then I'm doom'd (JA)
(GM 7:41) [Anonimo], Cossack Dance (JA)
(GM 7:42) [Anonimo], As I was walking (JA)
(GM 7:43) [Anonimo], Oh Susan Susan lovely dear (JA)
(GM 7:44) [Anonimo], Pauvre Jacques (JA)
(GM 7:45) Samuel James Arnold, Sure t'would make a dismal story (JA)
(GM 7:46) John Watlen, My Mother
(GM 7:47) Charles Dibdin, The Bachelor's Hall
(GM 7:48) Christoph Willibald Gluck, Che farò senza Euridice
(GM 7:49) Thomas Augustine Arne, Nymphs and Sheperds
(GM 7:50) Charles Dibdin, Poor Orra tink of Yanko dear
(GM 7:51) Thomas Augustine Arne, The Scotch Air
(GM 7:52) Giovanni Paisiello, For tenderness form'd [Saper bramate]

GM 7:01
Ma chere Amie
Ma chere Amie, my charming Fair


GM 7:02
[Senza titolo]
I ha'e laid a herring in Salt


GM 7:03a
In airy dreams soft fancy flies (Song)


GM 7:03b
In airy dreams soft fancy flies (Duett)


GM 7:04
John Relfe (1763-1837)
Mary's Dream or Sandy's Ghost
The Moon had climb'd the highest hill


GM 7:05
William Jackson (1730-1803)
When first this humble Roof I knew
When first this humble Roof I knew


GM 7:06
Thomas Augustine Arne (1710-1778)
Cymon and Iphigenia
Near a thick grove whose deep embow'ring shade


GM 7:07
Johann Gottlieb Naumann (1741-1801)
Vino Vecchio
Vino vecchio e donne giovani


GM 7:08
[Senza titolo]


GM 7:09
[Senza titolo]
How imperfect is expression


GM 7:10
Oh Susan, Susan lovely dear

Vedi il brano 7:43 per un'altra versione con alcune varianti.


GM 7:11
William Shield (1748-1829)
The Plough Boy
A flaxen headed Cow Boy


GM 7:12
Rev. William Leeves (1748-1828)
Why tarries mi love?


GM 7:13
Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire (1757-1806)
Song from The Strange
I have a silent sorrow here


GM 7:14
Egidio Romualdo Duni (1708-1775)
Song in La Fée Urgele
Ah, que l'amour est chose jolie

Nel manoscritto si legge "Song in La Fée Urgele - Phillidor", ma La Fée Urgele è un'opera di Duni e non di François André Philidor.


GM 7:15a
Juvenile Amusement - Duo n° 21
There was a man in Sicily


GM 7:15b
Juvenile Amusement - Duo n° 22
There was an old woman


GM 7:16
Edward Harwood? (1707-1787)
The Dying Christian to his Soul
Vital spark of heav'nly flame


GM 7:17
Thomas Linley (1732-1795)
The Woodman
Stay Traveller, tarry here tonight


GM 7:18
Benoît Pollet (1753-1823?)
[Senza titolo]
Laisse là sur l'herbette ton chien


GM 7:19
John Reading (1645-1692)
Concinamus O Sodales!


GM 7:20
Charles Dibdin (1745-1814)
The Lamplighter
I'm jolly Dick, the Lamplighter


GM 7:21
Samuel Wesley (1766-1837)
[Senza titolo]
Goosey Goosey Gander, where shall I wander


GM 7:22
Charles Dibdin (1745-1814)
Sound Argument
We bipeds made up of frail clay


GM 7:23
James Hook (1746-1827)
Donna Della
When Cupid first his trade began


GM 7:24
[Titolo illeggibile]
[Testo illeggibile]


GM 7:25
Jean-Baptiste (Jan Křtitel) Krumpholtz (1742-1790)
Hither love thy beauties bring
Come in all thy bloom of charms


GM 7:26
Reginald Spofforth (1769-1827)
Ellen, the Richmond Primrose Girl
Near bow'ry Richmond, Thames's pride


GM 7:27
William Marshall (1748-1833)


GM 7:28
The Chosen Few


GM 7:29
Richard Leveridge (1670-1758)
The Tipling Philosopher
Diogenes surly and proud


GM 7:30a
Henry Harington (1727-1816)
How sweet in the Woodlands (Duetto)
How sweet in the Woodlands


GM 7:30b
Henry Harington (1727-1816)
How sweet in the Woodlands (Canto e Piano)
How sweet in the Woodlands


GM 7:31
Henry Harington (1727-1816)
The Egyptian Love Song
Sweet doth blush the rosy morning


GM 7:32
Edward Jones (1752-1824)
The Prayer of the Sicilian Mariners
O sanctissima! O piissima dulcis Virgo Maria


GM 7:33
William Crotch (1775-1847)
Air Russe arrangée par Crotch


GM 7:34
Stephen Storace (1762-1796)
Duet in the Siege of Belgrade
Tho' you think by this to vex me


GM 7:35
Romance du Major Andre


GM 7:36
Nicolas-Marie Dalayrac (1753-1809)
Air de Philippe et Georgette


GM 7:37
Stephen Storace (1762-1796)
A song from the Siege of Belgrade
How provoking your dounts


GM 7:38
John Watlen (1764-1833)
God save the King / With New Variations
[Tema e sei variazioni]


GM 7:39
Stephen Storace (1762-1796)
Song in the Siege of Belgrade
The sapling Oak lost in the dell


GM 7:40
Antoine-Laurent Baudron (1742-1834)
[Senza titolo]
Since then I'm doom'd


GM 7:41
Cossack Dance


GM 7:42
As I was walking
As I was walking by yon burnside


GM 7:43
[Senza titolo]
Oh Susan Susan lovely dear

Un'altra versione, con alcune varianti in particolare nel basso, nel brano GM710 (Susan)


GM 7:44
Pauvre Jacques
Pauvre Jacques quand j'étais pres de toi


GM 7:45
Samuel James Arnold (1740-1802)
[Senza titolo]
Sure t'would make a dismal story


GM 7:46
John Watlen (1765?-1830?)
My Mother
Who fed me from the gentle breast


GM 7:47
Charles Dibdin (1745-1814)
The Bachelor's Hall
To Bachelor's hall we good fellows invite


GM 7:48
Christoph Willibal Gluck (1714-1787)
A Favourite Song
Che farò senza Euridice


GM 7:49
Thomas Augustine Arne (1710-1778)
Nymphs and Sheperds
Nimphs and Sheperds come away


GM 7:50
Charles Dibdin (1745-1814)
Poor Orra tink of Yanko dear
Poor Orra tink of Yanko dear


GM 7:51
Thomas Augustine Arne (1710-1778)
The Scotch Air in the Overture to Thomas and Sally
To ease his heart and own his flame


GM 7:52
Giovanni Paisiello (1740-1816)
A Favourite Song
For tenderness form'd in Life early day
[Saper bramate da Il barbiere di Siviglia]
[Adattamento di Thomas Linley (1732-1795)]


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