Jane Austen

Mansfield Park
Elenco dei personaggi

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Personaggi di
Mansfield Park

I romanzi di Jane Austen furono pubblicati, come si usava all'epoca, in più volumi, numerando i capitoli per ciascun volume, e le edizioni critiche (Chapman e Cambridge) seguono questo criterio. Molte edizioni moderne, anche tra quelle italiane, hanno invece adottato una numerazione unica, senza tener conto della divisione in volumi. Prima delle citazioni ho perciò indicato sia la prima che la seconda numerazione.
In Mansfield Park la suddivisione in volumi è la seguente: I vol.: 18 capitoli; II vol.: 13 capitoli; III vol.: 17 capitoli. La numerazione continua va da 1 a 48.

Charles Anderson, amico di Tom Bertram (I-5/5: The Andersons of Baker Street. We were speaking of them the other day, you know. Edmund, you have heard me mention Charles Anderson.).

Miss Anderson, sorella di Charles (I-5/5: You are quizzing me and Miss Anderson.).

gli Aylmer, amici di Maria Rushworth (III-14/45: Mrs. R. has been spending the Easter with the Aylmers at Twickenham.).

Baddeley, maggiordomo dei Bertram (II-1/19: suppose you hurry Baddeley a little).

Sir Thomas Bertram, di Mansfield Park, zio acquisito di Fanny Price.

Maria [Ward] Bertram, zia materna di Fanny Price e moglie di Sir Thomas;
7000 sterline di dote (I-1/1: Miss Maria Ward, of Huntingdon, with only seven thousand pounds).

Tom Bertram, figlio primogenito di Sir Thomas;
25 anni (I-2/2: at least on the part of the sons, who at seventeen and sixteen [all'epoca dell'arrivo di Fanny Price a Mansfield]).

Edmund Bertram, figlio di Sir Thomas;
24 anni (I-2/2 at least on the part of the sons, who at seventeen and sixteen [all'epoca dell'arrivo di Fanny Price a Mansfield]);
sposa Fanny Price.

Julia Bertram, figlia di Sir Thomas;
20 anni (I-2/2: Julia Bertram was only twelve [all'epoca dell'arrivo di Fanny Price a Mansfield]);
sposa John Yates.

Maria Bertram, figlia di Sir Thomas;
21 anni (I-4/4: Being now in her twenty-first year, Maria Bertram was beginning to think matrimony a duty);
sposa James Rushworth.

Mrs. Brown, probabilmente la moglie del Commissario di Governo a Gibilterra (II-6/24: and when Mrs. Brown, and the other women, at the Commissioner's at Gibraltar, appeared in the same trim).

Mr. Campbell, medico di bordo della Thrush, la nave in cui deve imbarcarsi William Price a Portsmouth (III-7/38: And Mr. Campbell was here at four o'clock, to ask for you).

Mrs. Chapman, cameriera personale di Lady Bertram (II-9/27: she actually sent her own maid to assist her; too late of course to be of any use. Mrs. Chapman had just reached the attic floor, when Miss Price came out).

Charles, aiuto cocchiere dei Bertram (II-2/20: Charles has been upon the leaders so often now).

Sir Charles ----, amico dell'ammiraglio Crawford (II-13/31: his Lordship had the very great happiness of attending to the recommendation of Sir Charles).

Ammiraglio Crawford, zio di Mary e Henry Crawford (I-4/4: In their uncle's house they had found a kind home. Admiral and Mrs. Crawford, though agreeing in nothing else).

Mrs. Crawford, moglie defunta dell'ammiraglio Crawford (I-4/4: Mrs. Crawford doted on the girl; and it was the lady's death).

Henry Crawford, fratellastro di Mrs. Grant;
4000 sterline di rendita (I-12/12: "What is his property?" "Four thousand a year.").

Mary Crawford, sorella di Henry Crawford e sorellastra di Mrs. Grant;
20000 sterline di dote (I-4/4: The son had a good estate in Norfolk, the daughter twenty thousand pounds).

il duca di ----, ospite di Lord Ravenshaw a Ecclesford, dove Mr. Yates avrebbe dovuto recitare in "Giuramenti di innamorati" (I-13/13: Lord Ravenshaw and the duke had appropriated the only two characters worth playing before I reached Ecclesford).

Ellis, cameriera delle sorelle Bertram (I-1/1: I suppose you would not think it fair to expect Ellis to wait on her as well as the others).

Mr. Fraser, marito di Janet [Ross] Fraser, un'amica di Londra di Mary Crawford (III-5/36: there is a daughter of Mr. Fraser, by a first wife).

Janet [Ross] Fraser, amica di Mary Crawford e seconda moglie di Mr. Fraser (III-5/36: And yet it was a most desirable match for Janet at the time.).

Margaret Fraser, figlia di primo letto di Mr. Fraser (III-5/36: Poor Margaret Fraser will be at me for ever about your eyes and your teeth).

Rev. dr. Grant, rettore di Mansfield dopo la morte di Mr. Norris (I-3/3: On Mr. Norris's death the presentation became the right of a Dr. Grant);
45 anni (I-3/3: on proving to be a hearty man of forty-five,)

Mrs. Grant, moglie del rev. Grant e sorellastra di Mary e Henry Crawford;
30 anni (I-3/3: He had a wife about fifteen years his junior).

Mr. Green, probabilmente un fattore di Mansfield (I-7/7: I was talking to Mr. Green at that very time about your mother's dairymaid).

le Gregory, sorelle di Portsmouth, conoscenti dei Price (II-7/25: You remember the Gregorys; they are grown up amazing fine girls).

Lucy Gregory, una delle sorelle Gregory (II-7/25: because Lucy is courted by a lieutenant).

Mr. Harding, vecchio amico di Sir Thomas Bertram (III-16/47: Sir Thomas had received a letter from an old and most particular friend in London [...] Mr. Harding feared there had been at least very flagrant indiscretion).

Colonnello Harrison, vicino dei Bertram, invitato al ballo a Mansfield (II-11/29: she was not sure whether Colonel Harrison had been talking of Mr. Crawford or of William).

Sir Henry ----, ospite di Lord Ravenshaw a Ecclesford, dove Mr. Yates avrebbe dovuto recitare in "Giuramenti di innamorati" (I-13/13: Sir Henry thought the duke not equal to Frederick).

Mrs. Holford, conoscente di Tom Bertram a Londra (I-5/5: I met her at Mrs. Holford's).

Christopher Jackson, falegname dai Bertram (I-13/13: and as the carpenter's work may be all done at home by Christopher Jackson himself).

Mrs. Jefferies, non meglio identificata; Mrs. Norris le scrive per conto di John, lo stalliere dei Bertram (I-7/7: and had promised John Groom to write to Mrs. Jefferies about his son).

John, stalliere dei Bertram (I-7/7: and had promised John Groom to write to Mrs. Jefferies about his son).

Lady Lascelles, precedente proprietaria della casa di Londra di Mr. Rushworth (III-9/40: I was in it two years ago, when it was Lady Lascelles's).

Miss Lee, istitutrice a Mansfield Park (I-1/1: and it will be just the same to Miss Lee, whether she has three girls to teach, or only two).

Maddison, amministratore di Henry Crawford a Everingham (III-11/42: I am not satisfied about Maddison).

le signorine Maddox, vicine dei Bertram (II-11/29: She could not recollect what it was that she had heard about one of the Miss Maddoxes).

Charles Maddox, vicino dei Bertram (I-15/15: Charles Maddox is as gentlemanlike a man).

Capitano Marshall, comandante di William Price (I-6/6: "Do you know any thing of my cousin's captain?" said Edmund; "Captain Marshall?").

Mrs. Maxwell, moglie dell'ammiraglio Maxwell e madrina di Mary Price (III-7/38: It was the gift of her good godmother, old Mrs. Admiral Maxwell).

Rev. Norris, rettore di Mansfield e marito di Mrs. Norris (I-1/1: found herself obliged to be attached to the Rev. Mr. Norris);
1000 sterline di rendita (I-1/1: Mr. and Mrs. Norris began their career of conjugal felicity with very little less than a thousand a year)

Mrs. [Ward] Norris, sorella maggiore di Lady Bertram e di Mrs. Price e moglie, poi vedova, del rev. Norris (I-3/3: The first event of any importance in the family was the death of Mr. Norris);
600 sterline di rendita dopo la morte del marito (I-3/3: Sir Thomas says you will have six hundred a year).

Nanny, domestica di Mrs. Norris (I-1/1: I will send Nanny to London on purpose).

Tom Oliver, vicino dei Bertram (I-15/15: Tom Oliver is a very clever fellow).

Mr. Owen, amico di Edmund Bertram a Peterborough (II-11/29: His friend Mr. Owen had sisters).

Le signorine Owen, sorelle di Mr. Owen (II-11/29: "How many Miss Owens are there?" "Three grown up.").

Lady Prescott, vicina dei Bertram, invitata al ballo a Mansfield (II-11/29: or what it was that Lady Prescott had noticed in Fanny).

Mr. Price, padre di Fanny Price, tenente della polizia militare della Marina (I-1/1: a Lieutenant of Marines, without education, fortune, or connections).

Mrs. Frances (Fanny) [Ward] Price, sorella di Lady Bertram e di Mrs. Norris e moglie di Mr. Price (I-1/1: Miss Frances married, in the common phrase, to disoblige her family, and by fixing on a Lieutenant of Marines).

Betsey Price, figlia di Mr. Price; 5 anni (III-7/38: and Betsey, the youngest of the family, about five).

Charles Price, figlio di Mr. Price; 8 anni (III-7/38: two rosy-faced boys, ragged and dirty, about eight and nine years old [...] Tom and Charles: Charles had been born since Fanny's going away, but Tom she had often helped to nurse).

Fanny Price, figlia di Mr. Price; eroina;
18 anni (II-9/27: He had said enough to shake the experience of eighteen);
sposa Edmund Bertram.

John Price, figlio di Mr. Price; impiegato a Londra; 16/17 anni (III-7/38: there remained only two brothers between herself and Susan, one of whom was a clerk in a public office in London - III-8/39: Betsey her darling; and John, Richard, Sam, Tom, and Charles occupied all the rest of her maternal solicitude).

Mary Price, figlia di Mr. Price; nata tra Susan e Sam, avrebbe avuto perciò 12/13 anni; aveva circa 5 anni quando Fanny era partita per Mansfield ed era morta qualche anno dopo (III-7/38: another sister, a very pretty little girl, whom she had left there not much younger when she went into Northamptonshire, who had died a few years afterwards).

Richard Price, figlio di Mr. Price; guardiamarina a bordo di una nave mercantile; 15/16 anni (III-7/38: there remained only two brothers between herself and Susan, one of whom was a clerk in a public office in London, and the other midshipman on board an Indiaman - III-8/39: Betsey her darling; and John, Richard, Sam, Tom, and Charles occupied all the rest of her maternal solicitude).

Sam Price, figlio di Mr. Price; apprendista marinaio; 11 anni (III-7/38: She was interrupted by a fine tall boy of eleven years old [...] being to commence his career of seamanship).

Susan Price, figlia di Mr. Price; 14 anni (III-7/38: Susan, a well-grown fine girl of fourteen).

Tom Price, figlio di Mr. Price; 9 anni (III-7/38: two rosy-faced boys, ragged and dirty, about eight and nine years old [...] Tom and Charles: Charles had been born since Fanny's going away, but Tom she had often helped to nurse).

William Price, primogenito di Mr. Price; ufficiale della Marina; 19 anni (I-2/2: William, the eldest, a year older than herself, her constant companion and friend).

Lord Ravenshaw, padrone di casa a Ecclesford, dove Mr. Yates avrebbe dovuto recitare in "Giuramenti di innamorati" (I-13/13: Ecclesford, the seat of the Right Hon. Lord Ravenshaw, in Cornwall).

Rebecca, domestica dei Price (III-7/38: run into the kitchen and see if Rebecca has put the water on).

Mr. Repton, si tratta di un personaggio reale: Humphrey Repton (1752-1818), un famoso architetto di giardini (I-6/6: would be Mr. Repton, I imagine).

Robert, giardiniere dei Grant (II-4/22: for here are some of my plants which Robert will leave out).

James Rushworth, proprietario di Sotherton Court e vicino dei Bertram (I-4/4: a young man who had recently succeeded to one of the largest estates and finest places in the country);
12000 sterline di rendita (I-4/4: If this man had not twelve thousand a year, he would be a very stupid fellow);
sposa Maria Bertram.

Mrs. Rushworth, madre vedova di James Rushworth (II-3/21: very early in November removed herself, her maid, her footman, and her chariot, with true dowager propriety, to Bath).

Sally, seconda domestica dei Price (III-7/38: Susan and an attendant girl, whose inferior appearance informed Fanny, to her great surprise, that she had previously seen the upper servant [...] to hurry Sally and help make the toast).

Scholey, amico di Mr. Price (III-7/38: But old Scholey was saying, just now, that he thought you would be sent first to the Texel).

Mr. Smith, proprietario della tenuta di Compton e conoscente di James Rushworth (I-6/6: I told Smith I did not know where I was).

---- Sneyd, amico di Tom Bertram (I-5/5: my friend Sneyd - you have heard me speak of Sneyd, Edmund).

Miss Sneyd, la maggiore delle sorelle Sneyd (I-5/5: Miss Sneyd, I believe, has never forgiven me).

Augusta Sneyd, sorella minore di Miss Sneyd (I-5/5: Miss Augusta ought not to have been noticed for the next six months).

Stephen, aiuto cocchiere dei Bertram (II-2/20: you know how steady Stephen is).

Lord Stornaway, marito di Flora [Ross] Stornaway, un'amica di Mary Crawford (III-5/36: that horrid Lord Stornaway).

Flora [Ross] Stornaway, amica di Mary Crawford, sorella di Janet Fraser e moglie di Lord Stornaway (III-5/36: And when I have done with her, I must go to her sister, Lady Stornaway [...] I have not so much to say for my friend Flora, who jilted a very nice young man in the Blues, for the sake of that horrid Lord Stornaway).

Turner, negozio di Portsmouth realmente esistente (III-7/38: I have been to Turner's about your mess).

Capitano Walsh, amico di Mr. Price (III-7/38: and Captain Walsh thinks you will certainly have a cruize to the westward).

Mrs. Whitaker, governante a Sotherton Court (I-10/10: Nothing would satisfy that good old Mrs. Whitaker, but my taking one of the cheeses).

Wilcox, cocchiere dei Bertram (I-8/8: but the truth is, that Wilcox is a stupid old fellow, and does not know how to drive).

John Yates, figlio cadetto di un Lord; amico di Tom Bertram (I-13/13: The Honourable John Yates, this new friend, had not much to recommend him beyond habits of fashion and expense, and being the younger son of a lord with a tolerable independence);
sposa Julia Bertram.

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